Business turnaround/Trading administration
One80 engaged in the successful business turnaround of a well-known Welsh care provider resulting in the sale of business and securing the long-term future of the company.
The challenge
Gwent Nursing Home Ltd, which trades as Caerleon House Nursing Home, is a registered care provider who experienced a period of financial instability. One80 experts were appointed at very short notice as joint administrators to the company and receivers over the nursing home under the Law of Property Act
The solution
Following our quick appointment, the immediate priority was to ensure the business was maintained as a going concern and to seek a purchaser who had the financial ability to take the business forward on a more secure financial footing.
As an active care provider, it was imperative that we ensured the residents remained unaffected by the sudden change in company circumstances and that families and stakeholders were kept well-informed of the position. In the first 36 hours of our appointment, we met staff, residents’ families, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Newport City Council to ensure that the 47 live-in residents continued to receive a high level of care and all statutory and regulatory requirements were met.
We also engaged with representatives from the Care Inspectorate Wales which provided a sense of relief amongst all stakeholders and reassured them of our involvement. It was important that they understood we intervened in order to stabilise the business and secure its immediate future.
Following our quick intervention and interim measures, the care home traded successfully despite the COVID-19 pandemic. We adopted a collaborative approach so that all parties understood and supported the procedure and were successfully able to secure ongoing investments from stakeholders. In addition, we were able to continue to run the care home as normal due to a long-standing and loyal staffing team.
One80 engaged in the successful business turnaround of a well-known Welsh care provider resulting in the sale of business and securing the long-term future of the company.
Following our quick intervention and interim measures, the care home traded successfully despite the COVID-19 pandemic. We adopted a collaborative approach so that all parties understood and supported the procedure and were successfully able to secure ongoing investments from stakeholders. In addition, we were able to continue to run the care home as normal due to a long-standing and loyal staffing team.
The outcome
One80 traded the nursing home since being appointed as administrators in August 2019. During this period, we successfully turned the business around, improving occupancy and profitability. This not only led to securing the long-term future of the business, but also brought peace of mind to the residents, their families and staff during an otherwise uncertain time.